Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reacting to an approaching emergency vehicle

When you see the flashing lights or hear the bells or sirens of an emergency vehicle approaching from either direction, you must immediately slow down, move as far to the right side of the roadway as you safely can, and stop. Remember to use your signals and check your mirrors and over your shoulders for other traffic before pulling over and stopping.

Do not stop in an intersection. If you cannot safely pull over before you enter an intersection, drive through. Once you have cleared the intersection, signal, and move as far to the right of the roadway as you safely can, and stop.

On freeways, do not stop on the shoulder. Emergency vehicles use the shoulder if all lanes on the expressway are blocked.

There may be more than one emergency vehicle responding to the same situation. Check to ensure your way is clear before merging back into traffic.

It is illegal to follow within 150 meters of an emergency vehicle responding to a call.

Never try to outrun an emergency vehicle. Failing to pull over and stop for an emergency vehicle can result in a fine and demerit points on your driving record.

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