Friday, April 25, 2008

10 ways you can help make Ontario’s roads the safest in North America

1. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t drive when you’re taking medication that will affect your driving.
2. Always wear your seatbelt and make sure passengers are using the appropriate child car seat, booster seat or seatbelt.
3. Obey the speed limits. Slow down when road and weather conditions are poor.
4. Don’t take risks: don’t cut people off in traffic, make sudden lane changes or run yellow lights.
5. Don’t drive when you’re tired, upset or sick.
6. If you’re in doubt, let the other driver go first — yield the right-of-way.
7. Keep at least a two-second space between your vehicle and the one ahead. To check your distance: start counting when the vehicle ahead passes a fixed object, stop counting when your vehicle reaches the same spot.
8. Cut the distractions: don’t overcrowd the vehicle or play loud music.
9. Always check your blind spot: look in your mirror and over your shoulder before you change lanes.
10. Check traffic in all directions before entering an intersection.

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