Monday, April 7, 2008

... Driving in blowing snow and whiteouts, REMEMBER:

* Watch your speed. You may be going faster than you think. If so, reduce speed gradually.
* Leave a safe braking distance between you and the vehicle ahead.
* Stay alert. Remain calm and patient.
* If visibility is decreasing rapidly, do not stop on the road. Look for an opportunity to pull off the road into a safe parking area and wait for conditions to improve.
* If you become stuck or stranded in severe weather, stay with your vehicle for warmth and safety until help arrives. Slightly open a window for ventilation. Run your motor sparingly. Use your emergency flashers.
* Be prepared and carry a winter driving survival kit that includes items such as warm clothing, non-perishable energy foods, flashlight, shovel, blanket, etc.
Before you drive, and during your trip, check weather forecasts and road reports. If there is a weather warning or reports of poor visibility and driving conditions, delay your trip until conditions improve, if possible.

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