Friday, May 30, 2008

Ladyman favours local resident discounts for Dartford crossing

Local residents who use the Dartford Crossing may be in line for discounts Transport Minister Dr Stephen Ladyman announced today.

Following consultations, the Department for Transport has accepted the case for discounts and will publish detailed proposals later in the year:

Dr Ladyman said:

"The Dartford Crossing has brought huge benefits over the years. But surrounding communities have borne the brunt of the added fumes and jams. We have registered the strong demand for local discounts expressed through the consultation and we accept in principle that there is a case for this, alongside the implementation of the other proposals in the consultation paper.

"The Department will now be considering how discounts can be delivered in a way that is fair and protects the interest of both local people and taxpayers. We will be consulting on detailed proposals when they are published later in the year, and in the meantime the current charging system will continue unchanged."

Dr Ladyman added:

"The local discount scheme does not alter our plans for discounts for anyone who chooses to use a "DART-Tag". These drivers will be able to use the crossing for the current £1 cash charge regardless of where they live."

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