Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Department for Transport announces first stage of Royal and Ministerial air travel project

The Department for Transport today began the procurement of a dedicated air service for the Royal Household and senior ministers.

The service will be safer, more reliable and more secure than the current arrangement and will be provided at no extra cost to the taxpayer. The Government will seek to minimise the environment impact of the service wherever possible.

Department today issued a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to the Official Journal of the European Union, announcing the start of the procurement process.

This follows Sir Peter Gershon's review, which recommended that the existing arrangements, currently provided by the RAF and the charter market, be replaced with a new dedicated air service.

Gershon's review said the current arrangements offered poor value for money (because of the need to book charter flights, often at short notice), put pressure on RAF resources and raised security issues.

In the interim period before the service can be delivered, the current arrangement with the RAF will continue. At the same time, the Government is looking to negotiate a deal with the charter market in order to provide better value for money.

The PIN will be followed by an advertisement in the Official Journal of the European Union, inviting bidders to tender. The department will release a more detailed project timetable at this stage.

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