Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Driving Safety Cycle

Plan, scan, think, decide, act PLAN: Before you begin driving, plan your route, make sure your car is properly prepared and make alternate transportation arrangements when appropriate.
SCAN: Pay close attention to what is happening all around you. Look and listen for situations that may require you to react quickly.
THINK: Consider how safety will be affected by what you have seen or heard.
DECIDE: Decide how to handle the situation so you feel in control.
ACT: Apply good judgment to eliminate unsafe acts and unsafe conditions.
Deciding When to Stop Driving: Warning Signs
1. Increasing number of near collisions.
2. Direct involvement in minor collisions.
3. Difficulty seeing pedestrians, objects and other vehicles.
4. Difficulty co-ordination hand and foot movements.
5. Increased nervousness when behind the wheel.
Transportation Alternatives
* Public transportation.
* Friends and family members who drive.
* Keep your vehicle and have others drive for you e.g. volunteer driver programs.
* Scheduled or customer call request van/bus pick-up.
* Taxi voucher system.
* Community access bus or van pools.

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